1 Jan. (indexed "Van McNinch", Employment, Chester, South Carolina [2]

(document) (contract, image truncated at the top) "Valentine Atkinson and Freedmen

and women whose names are hereunto attached" . . . "thirty-five acres of land" . . .

"the crops shall be divided as follows: To the employees one half of the Corn, Peas,

Cotton, Shucks" . . ."shall take effect on the first day of January 1868"

(presumably, Van McNinch is on the original attached list of "Freedmen and women",

however, the "attached list" is not included in the micro-filmed records) [1] [2]


22 Jan. (indexed "John McNinch") (court record book, page 32; name and location

("Hustings Court Augusta Countyā€¯ is identified on the previous page 31) [1] [3]

(document) "For this assault with a deadly weapon McNinch fined one dollar and

costs" . . . "On the 22 day of January 1868 John McNinch again committed an assault

with a hatchet" . . . "Mr McNinch is taken before a magistrate who fined him $1" . . .


10 Mar. (indexed) John McNinch, Residence, Virginia [1] [2]

(document) "114" "Mch 10 / 68" (March 1868) "McNinch John (colored)" "Staunton

Mch 20 / 68" . . . "Record Hustings Court Staunton" . . . "Commonwealth v. J. McNinch"

(Commonwealth of Virginia) (pg.172; document is pages 172-173) "Hustings" [3]

(analysis) probably the same John McNinch, 22 Jan. and 10 Mar.; Staunton is an

independent city in the Commonwealth of Virginia, located adjacent to Augusta County


11 Mar. (indexed twice) A N McNinch, District of Chester, South Carolina [1] [2]

(1st document) Articles of Agreement, "Eleventh day of March 1868, between Robert

Douglass and Thomas Pratt" . . . "twenty-five acres of land" . . . (McNinch not named)

(2nd document) Articles of Agreement, "Eleventh day of March 1868, between Robert

Douglass and the freedmen whose names are hereunto attached" . . . "seventy-five acres

of land" . . . "the crops shall be divided as follows: To the employees one third of the

Corn, Peas, Fodder, Shucks, Hay, Lint, Cotton and Cotton Seed" . . . "shall take effect

from the first day of January 1868" (presumably, A.N. McNinch is on the attached list,

however, the original "attached list" is not included in the micro-filmed records)


24 Mar. (indexed John McNench) John McNench, Residence, Virginia [1] [2]

(document) pg.48 (item) "50" . . . "Staunton Mch 24 / 68" (24 Mar. 1868) . . .

"special report of Mch. 10 /68 in case of refer to C(name?) v. Jeremy(sp?) Brougham +

C(name?) v. John McNinch" . . .(Hustings Court, Staunton, Virginia?) [3]


McAninch Family History NL v.XXX n.2  / Copyright Frank McAninch / pg.2022-18

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